The World Is Big

The World is big, round, and full of people. And each of those people have different opinions about the world, its problems, and it's people. This is a unbiased website where you can express your opinion freely about any subject without fear or hesitation, whether its religion, war, global warming, etc. This is a place, where you can express your ideas and who you are. Don't hesitate. The site is also fairly easy to use. To go to the debates page, scroll up to the top and click debate categories. From there, it should list different categories you can talk about. Down below, you'll find the Articles and Creative Literature Page. From there, you can send me literature and artwork you've created and post it on the site. And don't stop there. What else do you think could make the site cooler? If you have questions, suggestions, or would just like to post literature, simply use the contact me link below, or send me an e-mail at [email protected]. I hope you enjoy the site!

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